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Alumni Spotlight: Patrick ('97) and Vicki Sharp ('97) Weimer
 - Missionaries to Iceland

As an Airman in the USAF stationed in Iceland, I trusted Christ under the ministry of Pastor Johnny Wright and First Baptist Church of Njarðvík (FBC) in 1991. At that time, the church rented a small, run-down room in town but sacrificed and saved for the future church to have a building. While at FBC, the Lord called me to preach. I went to Trinity, met my wife (Vicki Sharp ´97), graduated, finished deputation, and came back to Iceland with my family in 1999. FBC had begun to build but had been unable to complete much of the building.

Because our goal has always been to reach the Icelandic speaking nationals, we saturated ourselves in the language and culture of Iceland. A door to minister to Icelandic children was opened. Pastor Wright allowed us to use the unfinished building for this fledgling ministry. People were saved and baptized. The ministry took root and began to grow.

Then, in October 2006, NATO closed the military base. All of the military members left, and Pastor Wright believed it was time for him to retire. Before they left, the church voted to let our Icelandic ministry have the unfinished building. We were very grateful for this sacrificial gift of love, but most of our church consisted of children, teens, and poor foreigners. We could not afford the mortgage of the unfinished building much less hope to finish building it. The building was only 30% finished. The Lord encouraged me in His word, though, that He did indeed want me to take on this seemingly insurmountable task.

As we strive to finish His house, God has repeatedly blessed. For example, after taking responsibility for the English work, God brought in $150,000 in 153 days from churches all over the world to pay off the mortgage. That’s about $1000 per day! Of course, this did not finish the building, but it kept the bank from taking what we had. Since then, groups from many different churches have given sacrificially and some have even come to help build parts of the building. Currently, the building project is almost 60% completed. We know that ministry is not about buildings; it’s about people. We also know that without a doubt the Lord wants us to finish this job.

The town expected us to sell the building and let the world have this place. We are, though, the very first Baptist church in Iceland’s 1200 years. As Naboth said, may we all say, “...The LORD forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee,” (1 Kings 21:3). I determined to say as he said, “It is not mine to sell.” It was dedicated to the Lord, and the Lord’s it is.

Our ministry is diverse. It includes an open door to the youth and teens in our community. The door to the adults is open only a crack as many hearts are satisfied with their 1200 years of religious tradition. Fallow ground is being broken. Seeds are being planted and watered. We patiently await the Lord to bring the harvest.

I am thankful for the honor to serve the Lord. We remain the only Independent Baptist Missionaries in Iceland. More are needed. Does God want you to come?
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