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Alumni Spotlight: Corrienne Bottom (00)
 - 4th Grade Teacher at Scofield Christian School, Dallas, TX

“Wherever you are, be all there.” –Jim Elliot

To wake up every day and be able to work at that for which God has given me a passion is truly a great blessing. I am now in my 14th year of teaching elementary school. When I stepped onto the McDuff campus of Trinity in 1996, I could never have imagined all that God would allow me to do. I remember my first class with Dr. Jim Schaefer. He told us that teaching was more than a job; it was a calling. Truer words were never spoken. He and Mrs. Lois Schaefer began shaping an inexperienced teenager into a confident professional. Whether it was a science class with Doc. Woods, or Teaching Art and Music with Mrs. Cash, I was patiently shown what loving teaching looks like. That was the foundation of an education that prepared me to be able to lead, teach, and disciple the next generation. I have been blessed over the years to minister to hundreds of children through Christian education. God has given me a passion to help children learn, not only academics, but also a Biblical worldview that must be incorporated into every aspect of life.

Right after graduation, I received a job teaching third grade at First Coast Christian School in Jacksonville, FL. It can seem a little overwhelming looking at an empty classroom for the first time, but I was well equipped. So with a lot of prayer I set forth on a journey of learning, loving, and growth. I taught in Jacksonville for six years. During that time, I also worshipped and served at Trinity Baptist Church.

In 2006, God moved me to Dallas, TX, where I am currently teaching fourth grade at Scofield Christian School. Every day presents new ideas and the opportunity to improve. I know that a good teacher is a good learner and learning is never really finished. I am currently a member of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. I count myself blessed every day to be able to impact children for the cause of Christ.

God has also provided me with several opportunities to teach outside of the classroom as well. I taught AWANA for 12 years. I worked in “C” Sunday School for several years at Trinity Baptist Church. I’ve been able to serve and teach overseas on several short-term missions trips including trips to Mexico, China, Brazil, and the Philippines. I volunteer at a youth camp each summer called Youth Alive hosted by Tim Lee Ministries. Every Saturday I work with children in inner city Dallas with the organization H.I.S. BridgeBuilders, where I teach a Bible study with children from 3-12 year olds. I’ve been working with some of those children for over 6 years, and it’s been amazing to see them grow and start to take ownership of their faith.

I am always amazed that God would use an introvert, who was scared to stand up in Mrs. Bebernitz’s speech class, to teach. I truly know that this is not my accomplishment. It is God in me. “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” I Thessalonians 5:24


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