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Professor's Corner: Mr. Kevin Hozey
 - Associate Professor of History

A Perspective on Education Today

It is no surprise to any active observers how poor the state of education is in America today. Whether it be in test scores, news reports, teachers’ salaries, student life, or any other indicators, there is ample evidence illustrating a breakdown in education on all levels from elementary to college. However, it is not merely in the public school systems of America where we find such problems. Indeed, educational quality seems to be dropping in Christian circles as well. Frequently, students in Christian schools today are not as well prepared educationally as they ought to be, either for college or careers after graduation. For instance, I often encounter students from both public and Christian schools who are lacking basic skills in writing and reading or even the most rudimentary knowledge of history, civics, science, or literature. There is even occasionally a lingering contempt for education in some Christian circles, rendering it an “inferior” field when compared to evangelism, missions, or other common church ministries. This is not to say that education ought to be superior to other ministry efforts, but make no mistake – it is in the best interest of the Church and its mission here on earth to be thoroughly invested in quality comprehensive education.

It is no small irony that nearly every great movement for Christ was accompanied by a magnificent blossoming of learning and academics the likes of which were rarely seen elsewhere in history: the Reformation, the Great Awakening, the original Fundamentalist movement. Some of the greatest names in modern Church history were also advocates of excellence in education: Martin Luther, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, J. Gresham Machen, etc. It is also no mere coincidence that some of the lowest ebbs in the history of the Church have been co-extant with a breakdown in learning, such as the worst of medieval Christianity.

In short, it is of great importance for us as Christians, and for you as honored alumni of TBC, to be advocates for excellent education in all fields of learning, for it is through the exercise and training of the mind that we find one of the finest conduits of sharing the truth of the Gospel with others around us. It is not simply a desire to gain knowledge for its own sake or for arrogant self-congratulation. Instead, we ought to be motivated by the promise and potential of Proverbs 8 and Philippians 4:8 being fulfilled within the Church. The very work of evangelism and missions is enhanced by a learned, well rounded Church that is engaging the world around us in intelligent, thoughtful ways fueled by study, academic excellence, and content and experiences gleaned though discipline and training found in quality education. Let us never forget that God just as surely gave us our intellects as He did our hearts and souls. We would do well to cultivate our minds for His honor and glory and not reduce education to a mere vocation unworthy of the Church’s time and efforts.

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