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Alumni Spotlight: Tim (’98) and Jennifer Gaylord (’97) Bagwell

"I have declared, and have saved, and have shewed... therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God."- Isaiah. 43:12

In the fall of 1994, I (Tim) arrived on the campus of Trinity Baptist College on McDuff Avenue in Jacksonville, FL. No job, no car, no close friends, not even a pillow and a blanket because I did not know any better; yet through four years of training God showed Himself over and over and over. He provided work, He provided a car, He provided friendships that I still share today, and yes, He even provided a pillow and a blanket. Better still, He provided a wife, my Jennifer. Through the opportunities provided by Trinity in the bus ministry, I was able to give testimony and be a witness of God's goodness and salvation.

Jennifer and I married in May of 1998 just after my graduation and began our work in ministry serving first in her dad's church in Hillsboro, New Hampshire (yes it's in the United States). Jennifer played the piano, and helped out in the nursery while I led singing and taught the teens. There were trials, difficulties, and struggles but the Lord continued to show Himself. He provided work, He provided a place to live, and He provided His blessing of our three boys, Benjamin, Micah, and Josiah. The Lord allowed us to be a witness to a young man in the youth group whose twin brother was killed in an accident.

We followed God's leading to the mission field of Ukraine in 2004, hands-down the toughest ministry we have endeavored upon. We traveled for over three years and over 200,000 miles. God continued to show Himself. He provided safety, He provided many new friends, and He provided amazing memories. He allowed us to be witnesses for Him in over thirty states and six different countries. In Ukraine, God enabled me to meet a young man from China and lead Him to Christ. Over and over in our lives God has and is showing Himself.

This year we resigned from the mission field and are seeking the Lord's leading in ministry as I believe God would have me pastor. What amazes me as we try to wait patiently, something I am completely terrible at, is that in this verse God says, "I have shewed", meaning He really does not need to do any more showing. We are still to be His witnesses, and yet He continues to delight in showing His mercy and grace and goodness in our lives today so that we have even more to be grateful for and give testimony about. What a privilege to serve such an awesome God!

Tim (98) and Jennifer Gaylord (97) Bagwell.


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